

Wheel Arrang't

Builder's No. & Year




Emu Bay Railway

3' 6" Gauge


A picture containing cart, farm machine

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Dubs 3854 of 1900


West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan

Emu Bay Railway Nos.6 & 8 are the survivors of a class of four locomotives, having outlived their sisters after being selected to operate the ‘West Coaster’ passenger service between Oct. 1960 and Nov.1963. For this duty, they were taken out of storage, overhauled, converted to oil firing, fitted with valences and smoke deflectors, and painted in 'Two Blues' livery and. No.6 was named ‘Murchison’ while No.8 was named ‘Heemskirk’. Emu Bay Railway No.6 is now displayed under a weather roof at the excellent West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan.



Dubs 3855 of 1900


Don River Railway,


Emu Bay Railway No.8 'Heemskirk' was donated for preservation and plinthed on the Burnie foreshore in February 1968. It was rescued by the Van Diemen Railway Society during the 1980's and extensively overhauled from 1986 to 1996. During restoration, No.8 has been converted back to its original coal-fired configuration in black livery, with the 1960's valences and deflectors removed. Emu Bay Railway No.8 can now be seen as an operational exhibit at the Don River Railway.

Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Company

3' 6" Gauge

Abt No.1


Dubs 3369 of 1896


West Coast Wilderness Railway,


Abt No.1 was donated to the West Coast Pioneers Museum, Zeehan by the Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Company after closure of their line in 1963 and was displayed for many years at Zeehan. In about 1998 it was removed (under loan) and restored to operation for the West Coast Wilderness Railway.

Abt No.2


Dubs 3594 of 1898


Tasmanian Transport Museum, Glenorchy, Hobart

Abt No.2 was donated to the TTM, Glenorchy by the Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Company after closure of their line in 1963.

Abt No.3


Dubs 3730 of 1898


West Coast Wilderness Railway, Queenstown

Abt No.3 was preserved at 'Miners Siding', Queenstown until 1998 when it departed for restored on the West Coast Wilderness Railway.

Abt No.4



Dubs 4085 of 1901



Abt No.4 was the least favoured of the 5 Abt locos by crews of the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Co, being "all show and no go". When the line was closed in 1963, Abt No.4 was adapted for static use at the company limestone quarry, where it was later buried.

Abt No.5


North British 24418 of 1938


West Coast Wilderness Railway,


Abt No.5 was purchased by the ARHS Victoria after closure of the Mt Lyell railway in 1963 and sent to Puffing Billy's Menzies Creek Museum. Abt No.5 has since been acquired by the West Coast Wilderness Railway and re-entered service in June 2006.




Baldwin ? of ?

Drowned / Components


Both Abt No 4 and Baldwin No 4 were apparently dumped in an old limestone quarry at Queenstown.


Other Users

3' 6" Gauge

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Fowler 5265 of 1886


Don River Railway,


This Fowler loco is an attractive engine with an interesting history. It was ordered for a gravel tramway at Kiama, NSW, but this venture failed and the loco was sold to contractors building government railways in Queensland. It was transferred to Tasmania by 1898 and used in Macquarie Harbour breakwater construction, and then stored at Hobart station yard for many years. A protracted restoration at the Don River Railway (including fabrication of a new boiler) came to fruition in September 2007 when Fowler b/n 5265 returned to service.

Vertical Boiler


Markham & Co, built 1890


Tasmanian Transport Museum, Glenorchy, Hobart

This interesting vertical boiler locomotive is one of only 24 locomotives built by Markham and Co, Chesterfield, England. It was retrieved from the bush and statically restored for display at the Tasmanian Transport Museum.



Buyers, Hobart, 1912




This interesting locomotive ‘Byers’ was a double-bogie chain and rod driven engine built about 1912 in Hobart by Andrew B. Buyers for use on the Chesterman's logging tramway at Raminea in Southern Tasmania. A bogie survives at Raminea.

Wyett's Beaconsfield Tramway

915mm Gauge

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Kerr Stuart 685 of 1900

Frame, wheels, cab & tanks

Beaconsfield Mine & Heritage Centre

Light Railways No 196 carried a news article and photo describing the remains of Kerr Stuart 685 of 1900 (frame, wheels, cab & tanks) being recovered from Camden, Tasmania for restoration to display at the Beaconsfield Mine Museum in northern Tasmania.

Tasmanian Timber & Tramway Co.

2' 6" Gauge



Krauss 6486 of 1912

Frame only, dumped


Two locomotives were purchased by the Tasmanian Timber & Tramway Co for their timber tramway from Bridport to Forester. Both ended their days at a timber mill at Warrentina, where the remains of this Krauss locomotive are dumped.



Orenstein & Koppel 4631 of 1911

Frame only, dumped


Two locomotives were purchased by the Tasmanian Timber & Tramway Co for their timber tramway from Bridport to Forester. Both ended their days at a timber mill at Warrentina, where the remains of this Orenstein & Koppel locomotive are dumped.

Other Users

2' Gauge

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A picture containing text, transport, train

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Hunslet 1844 of 1936


Sheffield Steam & Heritage Centre,


Ex-Ida Bay Tramway. This loco originally featured a 'steam-tram' style overall roof. The Ida Bay Hunslet had been loaned in the late 1990's to its original railway, the Ida Bay Railway at Lune River, which now operates as a tourist line. The loco is currently under overhaul at the Sheffield Steam & Heritage Centre in preparation for working on the Redwater Creek Railway.

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Hudswell Clarke 1423 of 1922


Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum,


Robert Hudson / Hudswell Clarke b/n 1423 was originally purchased by National Portland Cement for their tramway system linking limestone quarries with a cement plant on Maria Island. It was later purchased by Corrimal Coal & Coke around 1944 for further work at Corrimal Colliery in the NSW Illawarra region. Today it is a popular operational exhibit at the Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum.

Wee Georgie Wood


Fowler 16203 of 1924


Wee Georgie Wood Steam Railway Inc.


The Tullah Tramway connected the isolated mining town of Tullah with the Emu Bay Railway by a short 2' gauge route. The original locomotive to work the line was this locomotive, which carried the name ‘Wee Georgie Wood’ and over time the train itself came to be affectionately known by this name. Today Wee Georgie Wood and a portion of the Tullah Tramway are run by a local community group as a tourist operation.

Wee Mary


Fowler 17732 of 1928

Frame & Wheels only

Ida Bay Railway,

Lune River

The Tullah Tramway were presumably pleased with the operation of their 0-4-0WT Fowler locomotive ‘Wee Georgie Wood’ as a second locomotive ‘Wee Mary’ followed a few years later. The derelict frames and wheels of Wee Mary survive at the Lune River sidings of the Ida Bay Railway in Tasmania's south.



Kerr Stuart 742 of 1901


Red Cliffs Historic Steam Railway Inc., Victoria

Lukee had been plinthed at Red Cliffs since retirement in 1954. In 1994 this interesting locomotive was restored by the Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway Inc. for operation on their tourist railway. Today Lukee is the only complete survivor of 15 Kerr Stuart locomotives imported to Australia.



Krauss 4087 / 5800 of 1899 / 1907


West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan

This little Krauss loco No.2 was plinthed in a playground at Devonport from 1965. In 1983 it was acquired by the West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan and is now stored at the rear of their museum at Zeehan.



Krauss 5480 of 1906


West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan

Ex-Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Company No.8. This locomotive is displayed under a weather roof at the excellent West Coast Heritage Centre, Zeehan.



Krauss 5682 / 5800 of 1906 / 1907


Sheffield Steam & Heritage Centre,


Ex-Zeehan Tramway Co. No.2 & Sandfly Colliery Tramway No.1. This small locomotive is a hybrid created in the preservation era by combining two machines, Krauss b/n 5800 & b/n 5682. (Interestingly, the other half of Krauss b/n 5800 survives in Krauss b/n 4087, above!) In 1962, the Tasmanian Steam Preservation Society acquired the remains of both locomotives, and the serviceable components were combined by 1972 to create an operable machine. Today the hybrid Krauss loco operates at the Redwater Creek Tramway, Sheffield.



Krauss 5988 of 1908


Wee Georgie Wood Steam Railway Inc.


This much-travelled locomotive was built for the Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Co, becoming No.9 on their roster. It worked at the Ida Bay Railway from 1947 before moving to the Tullah Tramway in 1949. Krauss b/n 5988 was initially preserved at the Van Diemen Railway Society at Don in 1972. It moved back to Tullah in 1993 and has been assessed of overhaul but the old boiler was found to be beyond repair. Currently the loco is stored in the shed at Tullah while funds are sought for a replacement boiler.



Krauss 6067 of 1910


Invermay Rail Heritage Precinct, Launceston

Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Co No.10 was purchased by the Queen Victoria Museum in 1966 and transferred to Launceston by road. The Tasmanian Steam Preservation Society later leased the loco for running on their line 'The Second River Tramway' at Karoola. No.10 subsequently moved to the Redwater Creek Tramway, Sheffield. In July 2001 No.10 moved again for static display at the Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, which has been established at the former Tasmanian Government Railways workshops at Invermay.

Magnet No.2


Orenstein & Koppel 718 of 1901



Ida Bay Railway,

Lune River

The frames of O&K 718 are stored together with those of ‘Wee Mary’ at the Lune River sidings of the Ida Bay Railway in Tasmania's south. This loco was originally Magnet No.2.

Magnet No.3


Orenstein & Koppel 2609 of 1907


Bennett Brook Railway,
Whiteman Park, WA

Magnet No.3 is the survivor of two Mallet locomotives built by Orenstein & Koppel for the Magnet Tramway in Tasmania. It last worked at a gold mining operation in Kalgoorlie, WA. Fortunately, it was saved for preservation by a WA enthusiast and today Magnet No.3 is gradually being restored to operation at the Bennett Brook Railway. The chassis has been fully overhauled, and the boiler is generally sound, but replacement side tanks, cab & bunker await fabrication. It is the only Mallet locomotive preserved in Australia.