No. Photo Class Wheel Arrang't Builder's No & Year Status Location Notes & References
West Australian Government Railways
3' 6" Gauge
1 C 0-6-0ST + T Stephenson 2391 of 1880 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Named 'Katie'. Built as a 0-6-0ST (similar to New Zealand F-class).  Rebuilt from 1885-1887 following an accident, including adding a 4-wheel tender. Sold into the timber industry in 1899. Last steamed approximately 1940. Entered preservation in 1956 when obtained by the WAGR and restored at Midland Workshops (22). Photo date 9 May 2002.
11 A 2-6-0 Beyer Peacock 2652 of 1885 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Withdrawn in 1955 and plinthed at South Perth Zoo. Transferred to Bassendean in 1969, becoming the first locomotive into the ARHS museum (22). Photo date 9 May 2002.
15 A 2-6-0 Beyer Peacock 2711 of 1886 Stored / Workshop Meredith, Victoria A15 had been plinthed at Bunbury from 1956 until 1982 when it was sold for private preservation and restoration in Victoria for use on the Bellarine Peninsular Railway. (Ref (5), pp21)  A15 is now stored at the owner's house were he is restoring it; the location is thought to be a town called Meredith which is between Ballarat and Geelong. (55)  Any further information would be welcome. (1) This photo is kindly provided by  Warwick Madden (from his father's slide collection) and shows A15 plinthed at Bunbury around 1963 - 1965.
18 H 0-6-0T Neilson Reid & Co 3631 of 1888 Workshop Midland Railway Workshops H18 spent many years shunting at Bunbury prior to preservation, and was displayed at Bassendean until 1996 when moved to Midland for restoration to operation (22).  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows H18 under restoration at the Midland Workshops during the open day of 3 November 2002.
53 G 2-6-0 James Martin 117 of 1895 Plinthed Pemberton The WAGR operated both 2-6-0 and 4-6-0 versions of this classic Beyer Peacock design. G53 was sold by the WAGR to the timber industry to become State Saw Mills No.7, in which identity it is preserved.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows SSM7 plinthed at Pemberton on 13 November 2001.
55 G 2-6-0 Neilson & Co 4833 of 1895 Scrapped - G55 was plinthed in a park at Rockingham in 1965, but subsequently scrapped. (Ref (5), pp32).  I would appreciate any further information about the date and circumstances of this unfortunate loss. (1) This photo is kindly provided by  Warwick Madden (from his father's slide collection) and shows G55 plinthed at Rockingham; the date is thought to be in the about 1965.
71 G 4-6-0 Dubs 3497 of 1897 Workshops Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra G71 is now named 'Menzies', and is under restoration to operation for use on the Etmilyn Forest Explorer  which operates from Dwellingup on the HVTR. G71 has yet to operate in preservation and was fully dismantled at the Pinjarra depot of the HVTR at the time of my visit on 12 May 2002.  This photograph is kindly provided by Lindsay Watson and shows G71 at Yarloop prior to preservation.
117 G 4-6-0 Dubs 3501 of 1897 Display Merredin G117 is displayed within a museum based on the Merredin railway station.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows G117 within the museum at Merredin on 20 September 2002.
118 G 4-6-0 Dubs 3502 of 1897 Display Kalamunda G118 is displayed at the old Kalamunda railway station, which is now incorporated into a museum.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows G118 at Kalamunda on 22 November 2001.  Here is a further photo kindly provided by  Warwick Madden (from his father's slide collection) which shows G118 shunting some time around 1963.
123 G 4-6-0 Dubs 3507 of 1897 Workshops Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra G123 (and G233) were previously used on 'Leschenault Lady' trains around Bunbury during 1970's and 1980's. G123 had been used on the Etmilyn Forest Explorer operation on the HVTR in 2001. Photo date 12 May 2002 shows G123 in the depot at Pinjarra, where it is awaiting boiler work.
174 R 4-4-0 Dubs 3674 of 1898 Display Midland R174 is the only survivor of a class of 24 locomotives, originally built for passenger work. 14 R-class locomotives (including R174) were later converted to 4-4-2 in order to reduce axle-load for use on secondary routes. R174 was withdrawn in 1953, restored to 4-4-0, and plinthed outside the Railway Institute Library at Midland Junction. In 1972  it was moved to a new plinth at Midland Centrepoint Shopping Centre (7) where it is seen in this photo of 9 May 2002.
233 (Photo required) G 2-6-0 James Martin 174 of 1898 Operational Golden Mile Loopline Railway, Boulder (near Kalgoorlie) Under the care of the ARHS. G233 (and G123) were previously used on 'Leschenault Lady' trains around Bunbury during 1970's and 1980's.  Overhauled at the Midland  Workshops in 1999 and now working tourist trains on the historic 'loopline' at Kalgoorlie.
201 N 4-4-4T Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 2886 of 1898 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth This class of locomotive was originally designed for suburban passenger trains around Perth and Kalgoorlie. N201 is the only 4-4-4T preserved in Australia. (22) Photo (9 May 2002) shows N201 awaiting repainting in the storage area of the Bassendean museum.
204 (Photo required) K 2-8-4T Neilson Reid & Co ? of 1900 ? South Africa The 24 members of the K-class were introduced for freight work on the Eastern Goldfields Railway, becoming the most powerful locomotive in WA at the time (23). A further 6 were ordered by the British War Office for use in the Boer War in South Africa (Neilson B/Nos. 5897-5902), eventually becoming Central South African C-class (5). Although extinct in Western Australia, I understand 204 (last used by Clydesdale Collieries) is preserved in South Africa. More information welcome.
218 O 2-8-0T+T Dubs 3585 of 1898 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The O-class was designed as a light-lines version of the K-class 2-8-4T freight locomotives, and some were also rebuilt to N-class 4-4-4T using common design components (22). Photo (9/5/02) shows O218 at Bassendean.
308 Es 4-6-2 Vulcan Foundry 1846 of 1903 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The E-class represents one of the world's earliest pacific-type locomotives. (1) 308 was reclassified to Es-class following superheating (22). Photo (9/5/02) shows Es308 at Bassendean.
452 Fs 4-8-0 North British 20087 of 1913 Display Collie The F-class heavy freight locomotives were introduced in 1902, and later superheated to Fs-class. (22) Fs452 is now displayed in a museum at Collie (together with W943 and V1215 below).  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows Fs542 displayed under a weather roof at the Collie Museum on 14 November 2001.
460 Fs 4-8-0 North British 20096 of 1913 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Fs460 is displayed in the open at the ARHS museum at Bassendean. Photo (9 May 2002) shows Fs460 displayed at Bassendean.
508 P 4-6-2 North British 23150 of 1924 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The P-class were built as main-line express passenger locomotives (22). Photo (9 May 2002) shows P508 displayed at Bassendean.
521 Pr 4-6-2 W.A.G.R, built 1938 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The Pr-class were an improved version of the earlier P-class (22). Photo ( 9 May 2002) shows Pr521 'Ashburton' at Bassendean.
542 S 4-8-2 W.A.G.R, built 1943 Plinthed East Perth Railway Terminal The S-class was the first locomotive class to be designed and built in WA, and comprised 10 members. S542 'Bakewell' was plinthed at East Perth Railway Terminal in 1976, but transferred to ARHS ownership in 1995 (22). Photo (9 May 2002) shows S542 plinthed at East Perth with 'The Prospector' rail motor arriving from Kalgoorlie.
547 (Photo required) S 4-8-2 W.A.G.R, built 1947 Stored Bellarine Peninsular Railway, Queenscliff, Victoria S547 'Lindsay' was one of the final steam locos acquired from WAGR for preservation; after storage during the 1970's it was acquired by the BPR and transferred to Queenscliff in approximately 1980. (1) S547 Lindsay and tender are now stored at Mannerium (a siding along the BPR line) fully stripped of all parts and stored awaiting restoration. (55)
549 S 4-8-2 W.A.G.R, built 1947 Operational ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth S549 'Greenmount' had been a static exhibit at Bassendean prior to 1985, and then restored to operation in 1995. (22) Displayed in black livery. (1)  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows S549 in steam at Bassendean on 17 November 2002  during 'Railfest 2002'.
ASG ASG 4-8-2 + 2-8-4 Various Boiler only ? The Australian Standard Garratt (ASG) was proposed and designed by the Commonwealth Land Transport Board in 1942 in response to the urgent need for powerful locomotives for the 3' 6" gauge railways of Australia during WW2.  The design team was supervised by the WAGR Chief Mechanical Engineer (ref (5) pp 121) and the ASG bears some similarity to the WAGR S-class including the distinctive boiler cowling. (1)  The ASG was not very successful and required considerable remediation. (60)  25 ASG locomotives worked for the WAGR. (5)  While none are preserved in WA, apparently one ASG boiler survives in a WA sawmill. (59)  Sister loco G33 survives in Victoria (as seen in this photo), and is listed under the Victorian Industrial Locomotives section.
592 Dd 4-6-4T W.A.G.R, built 1946 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Displayed at Bassendean from 1971 to 1984, when moved to Midland for restoration by the WAGR. Returned to service in 1985 but retired again in 1995 and placed on display at Bassendean (22). Photo date 9 May 2002.
596 (Photo required) Dd 4-6-4T W.A.G.R, built 1946 Plinthed Gosnells Railway Market, Gosnells (Perth) Dd 596 was purchased by the ARHS in 1974 with the intention of restoration, but inspections in 1983 showed the boiler to be uneconomic to repair and Dd 592 was restored instead. Restored to static display standard in 1989 and plinthed at Gosnells in 1990 (22).
655 U 4-6-2 North British 24863 of 1942 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Manufactured as part of the British war effort for North Africa during World War 2, but unused and became war surplus. Identical locomotives were supplied to the Sudan Railways, where I believe some survive derelict (1). U665 is one of 14 locomotives purchased from the British Ministry of Munitions by the WAGR in 1946. Photo date 9 May 2002.
664 Ut 4-6-4T North British 24841 of 1942 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The U-class had been replaced by diesels and retired by 1957, but U664 was converted from a 4-6-2 to a 4-6-4T in 1957 to become the sole member of Ut class (22). Photo date 9 May 2002.
701 Pm 4-6-2 North British 26545 of 1949 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The Pm class was designed as a further improvement to the Pr-class passenger engines, but found to be rough riding and so instead used for goods trains (22). Photo date 9 May 2002.
706 Pm 4-6-2 North British 26550 of 1949 Operational Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra Pm706 had been plinthed at Narrogin prior to acquisition by the HVTR and restoration for use on main line tours. Photo (12 May 2002) shows Pm706 resting cold at Pinjarra depot, in an unauthentic but attractive red livery (1).
720 (Photo required) Pmr 4-6-2 North British 26564 of 1949 Operational Steamtown, Peterborough, South Australia Pmr 720 is housed in the Peterborough Roundhouse between duties.
721 Pmr 4-6-2 North British 26565 of 1949 Display Northam Pmr721 is displayed within a museum based on the Northam railway station.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows Pmr721 within the museum at Northam on 16 November 2001.
729 Pmr 4-6-2 North British 26924 of 1949 Display Coolgardie Station (museum) This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows Pmr729 displayed alongside the platform at the Coolgardie Railway Station (which is now a museum) on 29 November 2002.
735 (Photo required) Pmr 4-6-2 North British 26930 of 1950 Workshop Willis Light Engineering, Riverdale Pmr735 had previously been plinthed at Tuart Hill prior to acquisition for restoration.  Pmr735 is now undergoing extensive restoration at Willis Light Engineering in WA for use by the Pemberton Tramway Co. (56)
901 (Photo required) W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7378 of 1951 Operational Steamtown, Peterborough, South Australia The W-class comprised 60 locomotives designed for goods train work (22). The Silverton Tramway in NSW also purchased an additional 4 of near identical design, of which 3 are preserved (refer 'NSW Industrial' list). W901 was transferred to SA in 1979.
903 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7380 of 1951 Operational Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra W903 has been named 'Marrimup' in preservation. Photo (12 May 2002) shows W903 leading W945 as they work hard upgrade climbing the Darling Range to Dwellingup on the HVTR.
907 (Photo required) W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7384 of 1951 Workshops Steamtown, Peterborough, South Australia W907 was transferred for preservation to Steamtown Peterborough, SA in 1979.
908 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7385 of 1951 Operational Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra W920 has been named 'Dwellingup' in preservation.  This photo of 12 May 2002 shows W908 alongside W920, both undergoing maintenance within the HVTR workshops in the old loco depot at Pinjarra.
916 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7393 of 1951 Operational Pichi Richi Railway, Quorn, South Australia W916 was transferred to the PRR t Quorn, SA in 1974, initially for use as spares for sister locos W933 & W934.  PRR subsequently obtained Silverton Tramway W22 (refer NSW Industrial Locomotives) from static display at the Puffing Billy museum at Menzies Creek, with the intention of restoring the locomotive to operation.  Upon assessment at Quorn, W22 was found to be in poorer condition that W916 and a decision was made to restore W916 in the guise of Silverton Tramway W22.  Restoration to operation was completed in April 2003, including some components of W22 such as the skyline fairing along the boiler top. This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W916 (as Silverton W22) preparing to depart for Port Augusta with the Afghan Express on 30 August 2003.
919 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7396 of 1951 Display Esperance W919 is displayed in a local museum based in the former railway goods shed.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W919 at the Esperance Museum on 3 September 2003.
920 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7397 of 1951 Operational Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra W920 has been named 'Pinjarra' in preservation. This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W920 at Dwellingup on the Hotham Valley Tourist Railway on 23 September 2001.
924 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7401 of 1951 Operational Old Ghan Railway, Alice Springs, NT W924 had been plinthed at Albany until mid-1980's, when it was acquired by the Ghan Preservation Society and restored to operation for use on the Old Ghan Railway at Alice Springs.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W924 at Alice Springs on 24 August 2003.
931 (Photo required) W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7408 of 1951 Stored Pichi Richi Railway, Quorn, South Australia W931 was transferred to SA in 1980, and is now kept in the long-term storage shed at Quorn (1).
933 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7410 of 1951 Operational Pichi Richi Railway, Quorn, South Australia Transferred to SA in 1974. Photo (11 June 2000) shows W933 waiting to depart Stirling North for the return journey to Quorn.
934 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7411 of 1951 Operational Pichi Richi Railway, Quorn, South Australia Transferred to SA in 1974. Photo (11 June 2000) shows W934 on the triangle at Woolshed Flat, prior to returning its train to Quorn.
943 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7455 of 1952 Display Collie


In a museum with V1215 and Fs452.  This locomotive has been reported as W943 but wears the numberplates of W948. (1) This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W948 / 943 at the Collie Museum on 14 November 2001.
945 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7457 of 1952 Operational Hotham Valley Tourist Railway, Pinjarra W945 has been named 'Banksiadale' in preservation. This photo of 12 May 2002 shows W903 leading W945 as they climb the Darling Range to Dwellingup on the HVTR.
947 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7459 of 1952 Stored ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth W947 had been used on tourist trains at Albany until sold to the ARHS in 1984 and moved to Bassendean for restoration in 1985 (22). This photo of 9 May 2002 shows W947 stripped for inspection but still awaiting its overhaul (1).
953 W 4-8-2 Beyer Peacock 7465 of 1952 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Preserved in green livery within the display hall at the ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean. (1)  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows W953 at Bassendean on 18 November 2001.
1209 V 2-8-2 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7778 of 1955 Operational Bellarine Peninsular Railway, Queenscliff, Victoria V1209 was stored by the WAGR during the 1970's before purchase for preservation by the BPR, and was transferred to Victoria is 1982.  (Regrettably, two other V-class locos which had become the final steam locos in WAGR storage were scrapped by the WAGR at this time.)  V1209 has since been restored to operation by the BPR in WAGR green livery and named 'Gary G McDonald'.  This photograph is kindly provided by Chris Schultz and shows V1209 at Drysdale station on the BPR during 2003.
1213 V 2-8-2 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7782 of 1955 Operational Pemberton Tramway Co, Pemberton V1213 is privately owned and has been restored to operation for use on occasional mainline tours, and is based at Pemberton by the Pemberton Tramway Co.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows V1213 sitting in the Pemberton yard on 13 November 2001.
1215 V 2-8-2 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7784 of 1956 Display Collie V1215 is in a local museum (together with W943 and Fs452).  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows V1215 at the Collie Museum on 14 November 2001.
1220 V 2-8-2 Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 7789 of 1956 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth V1220 is preserved in WAGR green livery in open-weather display at the ARHS museum at Bassendean, where it is seen in this photo of 9 May 2002 (1).
Midland Railway Company
3' 6" Gauge
6 B 4-4-0 Hawthorn Leslie 2217 of 1891 Stored Midland Railway Workshops The only surviving Midland Railway Co. steam locomotive. Similar to the extinct WAGR T-class.   B6 was withdrawn in 1956 and subsequently plinthed at Geraldton under the ownership of the City of Geraldton. In 1995 B6 was donated to the Swan Shire Council in Perth and moved to the Midland Workshops in 1999 under care of ARHS (22).  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows B6 at the Midland Workshops Open Day on 3 November 2002.
State Saw Mills
3' 6" Gauge
SSM 2 - 2-6-0 Beyer Peacock 5475 of 1911 Plinthed Pemberton Tramway Co, Pemberton SSM2 was built new for a WA timber company to the design of the WAGR G-class & SAR Y-class.  SSM2 was retired in 1967 had been plinthed under a weather roof at Manjimup Mill until donated to the Pemberton Tramway Co, and was transferred to Pemberton on 4 & 5 February 2004. (56) The Pemberton Tramway Co website includes a history of SSM2 and its recent movement on their information page for SSM2.  This photograph is kindly provided by Neil Blinco and shows SSM2 at Pemberton shortly after arrival from Manjimup. (The connecting rods and cowcatcher are sitting on a pallet as these were removed to facilitate SSM2's transfer from Manjimup.)
SSM 7 Refer WAGR loco G53 above
Other Users
3' 6" Gauge
Ballaarat - 0-4-0 Victoria Foundry, Ballarat Victoria, built 1871 Plinthed Busselton This historic engine is the oldest surviving Australian-built locomotive, and also the first steam locomotive in WA. 'Ballaarat' was used on a timber tramway near Yoganup, and is named after the original spelling of its city of manufacture.  The loco was withdrawn about 1900 but survived into preservation (23).  Photo (12 May 2002) shows Ballaarat plinthed in a park, under a weather shelter. I believe this historic locomotive now deserves a better home, such as the WA Museum in Perth (1).
Kia-Ora - 0-4-0ST Baldwin 7111 of 1884 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth A standard Baldwin shunting design, this locomotive is also similar to preserved 'Sandfly' NA1 of the North Australia Railway (1). Photo (9 May 2002) shows Kia-Ora preserved at Bassendean, where the loco was due to move under a new shelter. (1) Kia-Ora had a variety of timber, public works and jetty shunting roles for different owners prior to last steaming in 1961. 'Kia-Ora' is Maori for 'Your Health'. (22)
Preston (Photo required) - 0-6-0ST Hudswell Clarke 379 of 1890 Plinthed Wyndham Worked at the Wyndham meatworks.
( - ) (Photo required) - 0-4-0WT Orenstein & Koppel 4058 of 1910 Plinthed Canarvon Jetty & Light Railway Plinthed derelict outside the depot of the Canarvon Jetty & Light Railway  (52)
Kimberley - 0-4-0T Andrew Barclay 1755 of 1921 Operational Canarvon Jetty & Light Railway Kimberley had formerly worked on the Canarvon pier railway until retired and plinthed in a local kindergarten playground.  It has since been restored to operation at Canarvon.  This photograph is kindly provided by Stuart Jackson, and shows Kimberley within the Canarvon Heritage Precinct on 26 July 2003.
Polly (Photo required) - 2-2-0WT Aveling & Porter ? of 1880? Plinthed Collie In a park.
( - ) (Photo required) - 2-2-0WT Ransome, Sims & Jeffries Plinthed Wilga In a park.
Kate - 0-4-0WT Thomas Green & Co 132 of 1889 Plinthed Margaret River Originally used on a timber tramway, but also at the Wyndham Meatworks & pier. Cosmetically restored at Boyanup in 2001, including removal of asbestos boiler lagging.  Returned to Margaret River on 25/8/01. A new shelter has been built to display the locomotive under cover. (11) 
Other Users
2' Gauge
118 - 2-8-2 Henschel 24476 of 1938 Operational Bennett Brook Railway, Whiteman Park Ex-South African Railways NG15 class.  Imported approximately 1986.  This photograph is kindly provided by Neil Blinco and shows 118 in operation on the Bennett Brook Railway.
123 - 2-8-2 Franco-Belge 2670 of 1949 Operational Bennett Brook Railway, Whiteman Park Ex-South African Railways NG15 class.  Imported approximately 1986.  This photograph is kindly provided by Neil Blinco and shows 123 in operation on the Bennett Brook Railway.
( - ) - 0-6-0T Orenstein & Koppel 4241 of 1910 Workshop Queenstown, Tasmania One of two locomotives imported by the Lake View Gold Mine, Kalgoorlie, and later used by the Great Boulder Mines. (22) This locomotive was listed at Bankstown NSW, and earlier the Wodonga Woolshed (Vic) in this listing of Preserved Orenstein & Koppel Steam Locomotives. It was transferred to the Queenstown workshops of the Abt Railway in approx. 2000 and a start made on overhaul and regauging to 3' 6".  This photograph of 5 May 2003 shows the locos upper half sitting on a transport frame in the Abt Railway workshop yard at Queenstown. Nearby were the frames, which had been broadened with new frame spacers, and the wheelsets on new, broader axles.  However work appeared to be progressing slowly. (1)
( - ) - 0-6-0T Orenstein & Koppel 4242 of 1910 Workshop ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth The sister of O&K 4241 listed above,  The builder's plate of B/No. 4242 is also on display in the small exhibits hall at Bassendean (1). This photo of 9 May 2002 shows the loco on display at Bassendean. (1) 
( - ) (Photo required) - 0-4-0T Haine St. Pierre 491 of 1894 Plinthed Meekatharra In a park.  The only locomotive from this Belgian builder preserved in Australia.  Most recently ex-Peak Hill Gold Mines.
( - ) (Photo required) - 0-4-0WT Krauss 2181 of 1889 Stored Bennett Brook Railway, Whiteman Park Ex-Westerm Machinery Company, Kalgoorlie, and a number of other gold mines in WA.  Originally one of 6  imported in 1889 for Victoria Dock Construction, Vic.
Other Users
1' 8" Gauge
( - ) - 0-4-0WT Freudenstein 175 of 1904 Display ARHS Railway Museum, Bassendean, Perth Originally purchased by a gold mining company for use at Kalgoorlie, and last owned by the Western Machinery Company, Kalgoorlie. Handed over to the ARHS for preservation in 1963 (22). This locomotive is due to be moved to a new undercover display (1). Photo dated 9/5/02.
( - ) (Photo required) - 0-4-0WT Freudenstein 217 of 1905 Operational Canberra area, ACT (See also Freudenstein B/No. 175 above). Most recently ex-Western Machinery Company, Kalgoorlie.  Was stored in Perth area during the 1980's. Now owned privately  and operated on a 2km private railway on a rural property near Canberra.
Midland - 0-6-2T WAGR, built 1934 Display Gwalia Ex-Sons of Gwalia (gold mine), Gwalia, where it was used on the firewood tramway. This photo is kindly provided by Geoff Murdoch and shows Midland displayed at Leonora in 1972. Geoff Murdoch's site contains an interesting article providing a history of Midland and the Gwalia firewood tramway and the locomotives which operated there.
Other Users
4' 8.5" Gauge
4079 Pendennis Castle (Photo required) Castle 4-6-0 Great Western Railway (UK) - Swindon, built 1924  Workshop Great Western Society, Didcot Railway Centre, Didcot, UK Ex-Great Western Railway, UK. Imported through the port of Newcastle, NSW by Hammersley Iron in 1977 for use on their Pilbara iron ore railway. Pendennis Castle had been operational during the 1970's and 1980's, and travelled to Perth to meet '4472 The Flying Scotsman' in 1989. However Pendennis Castle required overhaul by the mid-90's and was subsequently donated to the GWS and returned to the UK in 2000. She is now under overhaul at Didcot. (1)

Total: 70