No. Photo Class Wheel Arrang't Builder's No & Year Status Location Notes & References
Victorian Government Railways
5' 3" Gauge
2 - 0-6-0CT Dubs 2711 of 1890 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This crane tank locomotive of 5 ton crane capacity was mainly used at Newport workshops. It was written off by the Victorian Railways in February 1970. (3) This photo of 10 May 2003 shows Crane 2 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
Z526 (Photo required) Z 0-6-0T Victorian Railways, built 1893 Display Scienceworks Museum, Melbourne Also known as 'Polly'. The first locomotive built at Newport workshops. Was converted from 0-6-0T to 0-6-0CT in 1903 for use at North Melbourne loco, known as No. 3 Crane. Written off by VR in 6/78. Reconverted to original form in 1983. (3) Now displayed at the Scienceworks museum. (1)
F176 F 2-4-2T Phoenix Foundry 61 of 1879 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne After withdrawal by VR in 1920, F176 survived as a privately-owned shunter at the Massey-Ferguson tractor factory until 1961.  This photo of 10 May 2003 shows F176 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
E236 E 2-4-2T David Munro & Co 18 of 1893 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne Originally used for suburban trains in Melbourne, prior to electrification of the suburban railways.
E369 E 0-6-2 David Munro & Co 12 of 1892 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne Rebuilt from E-class 2-4-2T
E371 E 0-6-2 David Munro & Co 13 of 1892 Display Victorian Goldfields Railway, Maldon Rebuilt from E-class 2-4-2T.  E371 survived as a shunter at Newport workshops into the 1970's before finding a home on the VGR.  The loco was partially dismantled at Maldon for assessment in 1992 but the report was apparently not favourable and E371 was reassembled (sans boiler cladding, most fittings and numberplates) and placed on display at Maldon station. (1)  This photo is kindly provided by Roy Bird and shows E371 at Maldon on 30 May 2004.
T94 T 0-6-0 Phoenix Foundry 144 of 1884 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of 10 May 2003 shows T94 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
Y108 Y 0-6-0 Phoenix Foundry 226 of 1889 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of 10 May 2003 shows Y108 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
Y109 (Photo required) Y 0-6-0 Phoenix Foundry 235 of 1889 Stored (components) Ballarat East Depot Y109 is also known as Y413, its original number. Y109 was later sold to an industrial user and converted to a  diesel-mechanical.  The remnants of this loco were acquired for preservation and some parts have been used in the restoration of sister Y112.  The remains (mainly frames and wheels) are stored at Ballarat.
Y112 Y 0-6-0 Phoenix Foundry 238 of 1889 Operational West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot Y112 was plinthed at Ballarat during the 1970's, as seen in this photo of 1979, but has since been restored to operation. Y112 now features an attractive apple green livery and has performed various rail tours around Victoria during the 1990's.  Y112 is normally based at the WCR depot at Ballarat.
K151 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Stored Steamrail Victoria, Newport I believe K151 ended its career as a stationary boiler. K151 is now partially stripped and stored in the depths of Newport Workshops, ostensibly for heavy spares, as seen in this view of 10 May 2003. (1)
K153 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Operational Steamrail Victoria, Newport One of 21 preserved K class locomotives! K153 had been under extensive overhaul by Steamrail after extensive railtour use, and was released into service in November 2003. This photo is kindly provided by Ashley Williams and shows K153 on railtour duty at Mooroolbark in November 1977.
K154 (Photo required) K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Display Gippsland Folk Museum, Moe K154 is displayed within the Gippsland Folk Museum at Moe, which recreates a Gippsland town scene.
K157 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Stored Victorian Goldfields Railway, Maldon K157 has never worked at the VGR, and is displayed in the goods yard while it awaits restoration to working order. (1)  This photo shows K157 at Maldon on 24 April 2000.
K159 (Photo required) K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Plinthed Hamilton K159 had been plinthed at Hamilton until transferred in 1997 to the Mornington Railway Preservation Society, which owns several K-class locomotives. Various re-usable components were exchanged with other worn-out components, and a  composite locomotive returned to Hamilton Park in 1998. The plinthed locomotive at Hamilton is now made up of K 177's frames & coupled wheels, K 174's pony truck & boiler, and K 159's tender. A new K-class locomotive will eventually be restored by MRPS using other components from K174, K177 and the original K159; this locomotive will also be known as K159.
K160 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1940 Operational Victorian Goldfields Railway, Maldon K160 is preserved in operational condition at Maldon on the VGR.  This photo is kindly provided by Roy Bird and shows K160 shunting at Maldon station on 30 May 2004.
K162 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Plinthed Yarragon K162 is plinthed in a park at Yarragon, and numbered K183.  K162 was formerly operated as a railtour engine by Steamrail but the locomotive became worn-out and was swapped for K183 (which was plinthed at Yarragon) in 1982 and re-numbered. (K183's tender remained at Yarragon.) This photo is courtesy of John Farrell, dated 24 February 2002, and shows K162 plinthed at Yarragon.
K163 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Operational Mornington Railway Preservation Society, Moorooduc K163 had been plinthed in a park at Frankston until restored to operation in 1985 by the MRPS.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows K163 in steam at Moorooduc during mid-2004; the loco is running without smoke deflectors, as was common when these locomotives were first built.  Here is an earlier photo kindly provided by Andrew Swaine, showing K163's cab interior.
K165 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of 10 May 2003 shows K165 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
K167 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Plinthed Wycheproof K167 is plinthed at Wycheproof, as seen in this photo kindly provided by John Hurst.
K169 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Display Coal Creek Museum, Korumburra Displayed at a recreated station scene.  Live steam piped to whistle and drain cock to give the impression of K169 being ready to depart the station, although it never has!
K174 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Stored Mornington Railway Preservation Society, Moorooduc K174 was plinthed in a park at Fitzroy until moved to the MRPS on 18 May 1997 and dismantled (refer to the notes on K159 above). K174 was in very poor condition, and the pony truck & boiler were used in the reassembled 'K159' now plinthed at Hamilton (see K159 notes above).  A new K-class locomotive will eventually be restored by MRPS using other components from K174, K177 and the original K159; this locomotive will also be known as K159. This photograph of 1 August 2004 is kindly provided by Roy Bird and shows the reassembled 'K159' stored at the MRPS depot at Moorooduc, in company with sister K191.
K175 (Photo required) K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Plinthed Mildura K175 is apparently plinthed in a Mildura park.
K176 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Stored Seymour Railway Heritage Centre K176 had been plinthed for many years at Deniliquin, NSW, and displayed on the old turntable. (Deniliquin is the terminus of a broad-gauge branch line which crosses the border from Victoria.)  K176 was subsequently acquired by SRHC for restoration, and is seen in this photo stored at the old Seymour roundhouse on 16 May 2004.
K177 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Workshop Mornington Railway Preservation Society, Mornington K177 had been displayed in a museum at Ararat before being acquired by the MRPS for restoration to operation.  K177 is now being rebuilt with components from other locos; the final loco will be made up of K 177's boiler, pony truck and tender, K 174's frames, & K 176's coupled wheels, and will be named 'City of Ararat'.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows the frames and pony truck of K177 under restoration during mid-2004.
K181 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1943 Plinthed Numurkah In a park, displayed under a rebuilt station canopy as seen in this photo of July 2002.
K183 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1943 Stored - Accident Damage Steamrail Victoria, Newport K183 had been plinthed in a park at Yarragon, but in 1982 the locomotive unit was swapped for worn-out sister K162 and restored for main-line excursions. (Refer also to K162 above). This photograph is kindly provided by Gordon Ross, and shows K183 at Nyora.  Update:  K183 was damaged in a tragic accident on Sunday 13 October 2002, killing three of the footplate crew and severely injuring a fourth. The accident occurred outside Benalla, when a B-Double semi trailer failed to clear a level crossing. The victims were leading members of the Victorian preservation scene.
K184 (Photo required) K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1945 Stored Steamrail Victoria, Newport K184 was used on railtour duty until 1980, but is currently stored.
K190 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1946 Operational Steamrail Victoria, Newport K190 is preserved operational by Steamrail Victoria.  During the late 1990's this locomotive wore apple green livery and was often hired to other railways.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows K190 in steam during 2003.  Here is an earlier photo of mine showing K190 at Newport workshops in 1996, framed between two spare boilers.
K191 K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1946 Stored Mornington Railway Preservation Society, Mornington Had been plinthed in a park at Wangaratta until rescued in February 2001. Here is a photo of K191 being unloaded at the MRPS depot at Moorooduc. (With thanks to Andrew Swaine for providing both photos of K191.)
K192 (Photo required) K 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1946 Plinthed State Mine Museum, Wonthaggi Was in a park at Wonthaggi, carrying number K170.  Moved to the State Mine Museum, Wonthaggi in approx 1998 and returned to its original number.
J507 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6053 of 1954 Plinthed Mulwala, NSW (near Yarrawonga, Vic) Chris Banger (57) has provided and excellent history of the J-class locomotives.  J 507 is one of the first 30 J class locos (J500-J529) which were coal burners.  While most J-class locos were scrapped between 1968 and 1970, J 507 survived a few years longer than most of her sisters after being retained as a shunter at Newport workshops from 1970 to 1972.  In 1974 J507 was delivered to Yarrawonga for preservation, and in 1981 was moved to the lakeside in a park at Mulwala, NSW ( just across the Murray River from Yarrawonga, Victoria). (57)  This photo of 28 March 2002 shows J507 at Mulwala. (The air compressor appeared to had been recently been removed, presumably to aid another restoration elsewhere.) (1)
J512 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6058 of 1954 Workshop Seymour Railway Heritage Centre J 512 is a coal burner and survived a few years longer than most of her sisters after being retained as a shunter at Newport workshops from 1970 to 1972.  In 1975 it was sold for preservation and towed to Alexandria (57) where it sat on overgrown rails in the old station yard. (1)  In 1995 the loco was transferred to Seymour for restoration to operation (57), including conversion to standard gauge for which the J-class locomotives were designed but none were ever converted.  This work includes narrowing the frames and adjusting the wheels centres on the axles.  This photo of 16 May 2004 shows the recently narrowed frame for J512 at Seymour.  Stored at the nearby old Seymour roundhouse site were the tender and boiler (together with a spare boiler from scrapped sister J509). (1) Interestingly, J512 had been fitted with spoked wheelsets from N482 since 1969 instead of the normal J-class 'SCOA-P' wheels (57) and the old N482 wheelsets was also Seymour; apparently a replacement set of J-class wheels have been acquired for use on J512.  A few spare J-class tenders are also stored by Steamrail at Newport.
J515 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6061 of 1954 Operational Seymour Railway Heritage Centre J515 is a coal burner and became the last J-class used by VR when retained by VR for use as a shunter at Newport workshops until 1978. (57) In 1984 it was transferred to Seymour for restoration (57) becoming the founding project of the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.  J515 has been beautifully restored to mail line operation in original black livery with red smoke-deflectors, and is now named HAROLD P. WARD.  J515 is seen cold in the running shed at Seymour in this photo of 16 May 2004.  (Perhaps someone could provide a good action photo of J515?)
J516 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6062 of 1954 Stored Yarra Valley Tourist Railway, Healesville J516 is a coal burner.  This loco was plinthed in the Melbourne suburb of Greensborough from 1975 until acquired by Healesville Railway Co-operative and transferred to Healesville in 1990. (57) Here it was joined by J541 outside the old loco depot but little restoration activity is apparent. (1) This photo shows J516 and J541 at Healesville in October 2002.
J524 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6070 of 1954 Plinthed Donald J524 is a coal burner, and has been plinthed in a park in the Victorian wheat belt town of Donald since 1968, as seen in this photo taken in the late 1970's.
J536 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6082 of 1954 Workshops West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot J536 is one of the 30 J class locos (J530-J559) which were oil burners. J536 was purchased by Colac City Council for preservation in 1970 and was plinthed at Colac station from 1972 until acquired by West Coast Railway and removed to Ballarat in 1997. (57)  J536 is still stored at Ballarat East Depot and I have not seen any evidence of restoration activity. (1)  This photo is kindly provided by Trevor Staats and shows J536 plinthed at Colac during the mid-1980's.
J539 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6085 of 1954 Plinthed Dimboola J539 is an oil burner. J539 was purchased for preservation in 1974 and plinthed in the Victorian wheat belt town of Dimboola in 1975. (57) This 1986 photo shows J539 plinthed at Dimboola; more recently it has been fenced-off for safety. (1)
J541 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6087 of 1954 Workshops Puffing Billy Museum, Menzies Creek J541 is an oil burner, and was privately purchased for preservation in 1977. The loco was stored at a number of locations within Victoria. (57)  J541 had been stored (together with sister J516) at the Yarra Valley Tourist Railway, Healesville since the 1980's until December 2003 when it was transferred to the Menzies Creek Museum of the Puffing Billy Railway, for contact restoration. (1) This photo (courtesy of Gordon Ross) shows J541 having been recently delivered to Menzies Creek.
J549 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6095 of 1954 Operational Victorian Goldfields Railway, Maldon J549 is an oil burner, and was sold to the Castlemaine & Maldon Preservation Society for preservation in 1979. The loco was stored at Ararat until transferred to Castlemaine in 1984 and restored to operation in 1991. (57)  As an oil burner, J549 has proven economical to fuel on the VGR as it runs on the water-contaminated tank bottoms donated by a local sump oil recycler. (1)  There are plenty of photos of this engine in operation on my VGR web site.
J550 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6146 of 1954 Plinthed Warragul J550 is an oil burner, but is now displayed at Warragul with a coal tender. (1) J550 had been displayed at the old Mirboo North station from 1974 until acquired by Steamrail in 1985.  After a period in storage at Newport, J550 was moved to Warragul in 1986 and plinthed in a swap for A2 986 (which had been plinthed at Warragul but is now being restored to operation at Newport).  (57) J550 received a repaint during March 2004 and is seen shortly after in this photo kindly provided by Gordon Ross.
J556 J 2-8-0 Vulcan Foundry 6152 of 1954 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne J556 is an oil burner, and has been preserved at the ARHS museum at Newport since 1968. (57) This loco is preserved with the identity and number plates of scrapped sister J559, which was historically significant as in December 1954 it became the last steam locomotive to enter service with VR, but unfortunately J559 was scrapped in 1968.  This photo of 10 May 2003 shows J556 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
 C10 C 2-8-0 Victorian Railways, built 1922 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne Open-air museum display. There are several spare C-class boilers in storage at Steamrail's Newport depot.
X36 X 2-8-2 Victorian Railways, built 1929 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of 10 May 2003 shows X36 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
N432 N 2-8-2 Victorian Railways, built 1951 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of 10 May 2003 shows N432 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
N477 Refer to South Australian Railways locomotive 752.
H220 H 4-8-4 Victorian Railways, built 1941 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo shows H220 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
D2 604 D2 4-6-0 Beyer Peacock & Co 5548 of 1912 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne The only surviving D2 locomotive, and differs from the D3 class by having a slightly smaller boiler.  D2 604 was sold to Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd in 1956 for use as a shunter.  It was converted to oil-burning by APM & still has its converted tender, consisting of an oil-burner A2 tender tank on a D2 tender frame. This photo of 10 May 2003 shows D2 604 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
D3 608 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1912 Stored Ballarat East Depot. Owned by Steamrail Victoria.  Tender tank removed (presumably due to corrosion). Previously plinthed in a park at Stawell.
D3 619 (Photo required) D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1914 Workshops Bendigo Under restoration for main line operation (mainly between Bendigo and Echuca).  Previously plinthed at the Bendigo Railway workshops.
D3 635 D3 4-6-0 Baldwin 36888 of 1911 Display  ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne D3 635 is one of only a few Baldwin locomotives surviving in Australia.  This photo of 10 May 2003 shows D3 635 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
D3 638 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1916 Stored West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot Formerly in a park at Rosebud.
D3 639 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1903 Operational Steamrail Victoria, Newport Was D3.658 until the scrapping of the original D3.639 in VR days. D3.639 had been the Railway Commissioner's engine, and hence the number was retained. The loco now sometimes carries  number D3.658.
D3 640 (Photo required) D3 4-6-0 Thompsons of Castlemaine, 1 of 1914 Display Swan Hill Folk Museum Was numbered 688 when originally preserved at Swan Hill, before being returned to its original number in the 1970's by a group of rail enthusiasts.
D3 641 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1915 Stored West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot Formerly in a park at Beaufort.
D3 646 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1905 Stored Victorian Goldfields Railway, Maldon D3 646 had been plinthed outside the railways station at Maryborough until acquired by the VGR for eventual restoration to operation. Currently stored at Maldon, as seen in this photo dated April 2000.
D3 653 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1908 Plinthed Ballarat North Workshops D3 653 is plinthed at the entrance to the Ballarat North workshops and displayed in maroon livery, as seen in this photo which is kindly provided by Ashley Williams.
D3 666 (Photo required) D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1919 Plinthed King's Park, Bayswater In a park. Red livery, displayed under a weather roof.
D3 671 (Photo required) D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1917 Plinthed Lismore In a park.
D3 677 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1917 Stored Steamrail Victoria, Newport D3 677 had been plinthed in a park at Ringwood for many years until acquired by Steamrail and placed into storage at Newport.  Ostensibly the loco is kept as heavy spares for operable Steamrail loco D3 639.  (1) This photo of 10 May 2003 shows tenderless D3 677 stored at Newport Workshops.
D3 684 D3 4-6-0 Walkers Ltd, Qld, 201 of 1913 Plinthed Seymour Plinthed in a park near to the railway station, as seen in this photo of October 2002.
D3 688 D3 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1912 Stored West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot Formerly in a park at Rosebud.
D4 268 D4 4-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1910 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne Maroon livery
A2 884 A2 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1913 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne A2 884 has Stephenson valve gear, and is now the only remaining example of this earlier variant of A2. (1) This photo is courtesy of John Hurst; date: October 1988. Caption: 'A2 884 in the Williamstown Railway Museum.'
A2 964 A2 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1921 Plinthed Reservoir A2 964 is an example of the Walschaerts valve gear version of A2, and is also fitted with Boxpox wheels. A2 964 is plinthed in Edwardes Park, Reservoir, in Melbourne's northern suburbs, as seen in this photograph of August 2002.
A2 986 A2 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1915 Workshop Steamrail Victoria, Newport Walschaerts valve gear, oil burner, Boxpox wheels. Under restoration to main line operation. A2 986 had been plinthed in a park at Warragul until acquired for restoration, with J550 is now plinthed at Warragul in its place.  This photo of 10 May 2003 shows A2 986 dismantled and under restoration within the old Newport Workshops.
A2 995 A2 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1916 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This later version of A2 design features Walschaerts valve gear and smoke deflectors, and makes an interesting comparison with A2 884. (1) This photo of 10 May 2003 shows A2 995 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown.
A2 996 A2 4-6-0 Victorian Railways, built 1916 Display Echuca (wharf museum) Walschaerts valve gear.  Occasionally put into light steam but never moved.
S S 4-6-2 Victorian Railways (Newport Workshops), built 1928-1930 Tender only Seymour Railway Heritage Centre The four members of the S-class were handsome 3-cylinder pacific locomotives built to operate the 'Spirit of Progress' express between Melbourne and Albury.  In 1937 they received streamlining and large 6-wheel bogie tenders to enable non-stop running to and from Albury. In the final years of their lives the S-class locomotives were converted to oil firing, but were replaced by first-generation diesel locomotives on the Spirit of Progress from 1952.  The S-class locomotives were quickly withdrawn and tragically all four had been scrapped by 1954.  Today all that survives are one or two of the large tender tanks, such as this grounded example seen at the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre on 16 May 2004, which still wears the 'Spirit of Progress' blue & yellow livery. I have also seen a second surviving example stored at Ballarat East Depot. (Perhaps someone could advise if any bogies also survived?)
R700 R 4-6-4 North British 26990 of 1951 Workshop Steamrail Victoria, Newport R700 is apparently owned by Steamrail Victoria, and had been stored at Newport Workshops for many years following withdrawal from VR service, as seen in this photo dated 30 November 1996.  In about 2000 this locomotive was towed to Ballarat East Depot for restoration to operation by West Coast Railway, and some dismantling work begun.  Unfortunately the restoration was not completed and the components of R700 returned to Newport Workshops in mid-2004.  Here is a mid-2004 photo kindly provided by Gordon Ross showing R700 dismantled at Ballarat East Depot.
R704 R 4-6-4 North British 26994 of 1951 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne This photo of shows R704 displayed at the ARHS museum at North Williamstown, bearing the special numberplate it received after its display at the Exhibition of Industrial Power, for the Festival of Britain, in Glasgow in 1951.
R707 R 4-6-4 North British 26997 of 1951 Operational R707 Operations, Newport R707 is preserved by R707 Operations and wears black livery with red lining. She is named 'City of Melbourne'. This photo of 10 May 2003 shows R707 within the old Newport Works, awaiting its next outing on a tour train.
R711 R 4-6-4 North British 27001 of 1951 Operational West Coast Railway, Ballarat East Depot R711 had been plinthed at Bendigo station until acquired by West Coast Railway and rebuilt, featuring various modifications including Lempor exhaust and conversion to oil firing. The loco is now now named 'Spirit of Bendigo'. This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows R711 in West Coast Railway blue livery and wearing 'The Westcoaster' headboard.
R753 R 4-6-4 North British 27043 of 1951 Stored R707 Operations, Newport R753 has been stored at Newport workshops since withdrawn from VR service, and is now owned by R707 Operations. In recent times R753 has been dismantled to assess repairs.  This photo of 10 May 2003 shows R753 dismantled within the old Newport Workshops.
R761 R 4-6-4 North British 27051 of 1951 Operational Steamrail Victoria, Newport Black livery with red lining.
R766 R 4-6-4 North British 27056 of 1951 Operational R766 Inc, Newport R766 had been preserved operational by Steamrail Victoria during the 1990's and wore an attractive (but non-original) maroon livey, as seen in this photo of 1996.  R766 was later leased to West Coast Railway for operation alongside R711 on the 'Westcoaster' trains between Melbourne and Warrnambool. R766 was planned to be rebuilt with various modifications, as per R711, and is now named 'City of Bendigo'.  Update July 2004: R766 is now leased to R766 Inc, Newport and wears West Coast Railway blue livery.
Victorian Government Railways
2' 6" Gauge
3A (Photo required) NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1900 Stored, dismantled Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria 3A was allocated to the Moe-Walhalla narrow gauge line for at least part of its operational career.  Upon withdrawal, 3A was plinthed in a park at Portsea where it sat from 1960 to 1977, when it was acquired by the Puffing Billy Railway. 3A was subsequently dismantled but the boiler was found to be in poor condition, and today the frames and cylinders are stored in the PBR's long-term storage shed at Gembrook while the wheels are stored at Emerald. I understand that a new boiler is required, together with new side tanks, cab & bunker; while restoration of 3A would be very expensive, the PBR has previously built new boilers and all platework for other members of the preserved NA fleet and thus the restoration of 3A is technically feasible. (1) 
6A NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1901 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria The NA class represent a classic Baldwin design, who supplied the initial two examples of this class (NA1 and NA2).  The Victorian Railways built 15 further examples to the Baldwin design. 6A was released to traffic early in 2002 after a lengthy and thorough overhaul at the Belgrave depot. This classic photo (dated 2 April 2002, photo courtesy R. Bird) shows 6A rolling downgrade across the Monbulk Creek trestle bridge.
7A NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1905 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria 7A operates out of the PBR depot at Belgrave. Green livery. Photo 12 July 2001.
8A NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1908 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria 8A operates out of the PBR depot at Belgrave.  This photo is kindly provided by Ashley Williams and shows 8A in April 1988.
12A NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1912 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria 12A operates out of the PBR depot at Belgrave.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows 12A on a PBR trip to Lakeside.
14A NA 2-6-2T Victorian Railways, built 1914 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria 14A operates out of the depot at Belgrave. This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows 14A on a PBR night train at Menzies Creek.
G42 G 2-6-0 + 0-6-2 Beyer Peacock 6268 of 1926 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria G41 and sister G42 were basically a 2' 6" gauge version of the West Australian M-class Garratt, but with outside frames. Whilst G41 was scrapped, fortunately G42 was saved for preservation and displayed at the Menzies Creek Museum for many years.  From the late 1980's G42 was under restoration on the Puffing Billy Railway. The boiler of the second former APC Fyansford Garratt (also a copy of the West Australian M-class; refer Australian Portland Cement No.2 below) was used in the rebuilding of G42; the original boiler is displayed at Menzies Creek Museum.  G42 was returned to service on 11 March 2004 when she moved under her own steam for the first time in 42 years. This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows G42 on a special charter on the 18th April 2004.
Australian Portland Cement, Fyansford
3' 6" Gauge
2 - 2-6-0+0-6-2 Beyer Peacock 6935 of 1938 Display Puffing Billy Museum, Menzies Creek One of two Garratts built new for APC, Fyansford.  Same design as WAGR Ms Class Garratt, and VR G-class Garratt. The preserved unit has engine units from Beyer Peacock running mate B/No. 6794 of 1936.
4 - 0-6-0ST Vulcan Iron Works 2539 or 2541 of 1916 Operational Bellarine Peninsular Railway, Queenscliff Originally one of 4 imported for construction work at Henderson Naval Base, WA.  Refer also South Australian Railways NB29. Named 'Arthur T Middleton'. Photo courtesy of John Hurst; date: 23/4/73. Caption: '"A.T.Middleton", aka Vulcan No.4 from APC, shuttles passengers from the 1973 Melbourne Steam Festival over a short length of track at the Belmont Common Railway.'
5 (Photo required) - 0-6-0ST Vulcan Iron Works 2540 of 1916 Dismantled Ballarat East Depot

Originally one of 4 imported for construction work at Henderson Naval Base, WA; refer also to No. 4 above and South Australian Railways loco NB30.  No.5 has been stored dismantled for many years, recently at the Ballarat East Depot.  As at July 2004 the frame and all other components had been progressively relocated to the BPR, where there is some prospect that No. 5 may one day be restored to run alongside sister No.4 if resources permit.

6 Refer Wallaroo Smelter shunter, South Australia
G 33 - 4-8-2+2-8-4 VR Newport Workshop, built 1943 Display ARHS Museum, North Williamstown, Melbourne The Australian Standard Garratt (ASG) was proposed and designed by the Commonwealth Land Transport Board in 1942 in response to the urgent need for powerful locomotives for the 3' 6" gauge railways of Australia during WW2.  The design team was supervised by the WAGR Chief Mechanical Engineer (ref (5) pp 121) and the ASG bears some similarity to the WAGR S-class including the distinctive boiler cowling. (1)  The ASG was not very successful and required considerable remediation. (60)  G33 was being assembled at Newport in late 1945 for either WA or Tasmania when the war ended and the project was stopped.  Australian Portland Cement Limited were in the market for a new loco and were sufficiently interested to buy G33 and have Newport make modifications, particularly to the brakes (convert from vacuum to air), bufferbeams and drawgear to suit their requirements before taking delivery in late 1945. (59)  G33 was renumbered to 3 shortly after arrival at Fyansford and was the last ASG to steam (during a 1968 fan trip). G33 is now named 'Albert Gunsser' after a regular driver at APCL. (59)
11 - 0-4-0T Perry 267 of 1926 Display Puffing Billy Museum, Menzies Creek Ex-APC. Similar to the preserved 3' 6" gauge Perry locomotive ex-Qld sugar industry.
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2' 6" Gauge
Climax (1694) (Photo required) - B-type Climax 1694 of 1928 Workshops Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria This locomotive operated on a timber tramway near Erica before retirement and preservation by the PBR.  It was restored to operation by the PBR during the 1980's but was withdrawn from service in 2001, when stopped for major boiler repairs. An appeal is now open for funds to repair the locomotive. The PBR fan pages includes a detailed history of this interesting locomotive.
14 - A-type Lima 2550 of 1912 Display Puffing Billy Museum, Menzies Creek Ex-Alishan Forest Railway, Taiwan. This Shay locomotive was imported for preservation in approximately 1974, and displayed at the Puffing Billy Museum at Menzies Creek as seen in this photograph from October 2002. A history and technical information for this locomotive is provided at the website.
3 - 0-6-0WT Orenstein & Koppel 12331 of 1931 Display Puffing Billy Museum, Menzies Creek Ex-Sub Nigel Gold Mines Ltd, South Africa. This locomotive was imported for preservation and displayed at the Puffing Billy Museum at Menzies Creek as seen in this photograph from October 2002.
Peckett - 0-4-0ST Peckett 1711 of 1926 Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria Ex-West Melbourne Gas Works. 'Peckett' has been restored to operation and is now used on the PBR as 'Peter Peckett' with either a 'Thomas' face, or an overall 'Thomas the Tank Engine' facade.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows 'Peter Peckett' in steam during November 2003.
Carbon - 0-4-0T Couilett 986 of 1890 (Supplied by Decauville as B/N 90 of 1890) Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria Ex-West Melbourne Gas Works.  This loco was operated at the Frankston 'Whistle Stop' fun park during the 1970's. I understand the loco is privately owned and leased to the PBR.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows Carbon in steam during November 2003.
861 - 2-4-2ST Couilett 861 of 1886 (Supplied by Decauville as B/N 43 of 1886) Operational Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria Ex-West Melbourne Gas Works. This loco was built as a 0-4-0ST but rebuilt to 2-4-2ST and 'Americanised' (presumably to resemble the NA-class locos that worked the Walhalla line) as part of a 1970's rebuilding attempt for the Thomson River Tramway (now restored as the Walhalla Goldfields Railway). I understand the loco is privately owned and leased to the PBR, and named J.C. Rees.  This photo is kindly provided by Gordon Ross and shows 861 in steam during November 2003.
103 'Spirit of Baw Baw' - 0-6-0T Henschel 25427 of 1956 Operational Walhalla Goldfields Railway, Victoria Imported from Thailand for preservation.  Owned privately. Gauge was originally 750mm (i.e. 2ft 5.5in) whereas WGR is 762mm (2ft 6in). Extensively overhauled and rebuilt prior to operation. Under trial on the WGR from July 2001. Photo (date  31 March 2002) shows 103 in the shed at Thompson on the WGR.
Other Users
2' Gauge
( - ) (Photo required) - 0-4-0ST+T Bagnall 1801 of 1906 Operational Cobdogla Irrigation & Steam Museum, SA Ex-Cobdogla to Loveday light railway. Had been plinthed in a park at Barmera.  This locomotive originated as one of two identical units from the Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mines and associated firewood tramway at Walhalla, Vic.  Built to the gauge of 2ft 6in, but was converted to 2ft gauge in SA. Now named 'Margaret'.
? (Photo required) - 0-4-4-0T Orenstein & Koppel 3770 of 1909 ? Privately preserved in USA This locomotive is shown in this listing of Preserved Orenstein & Koppel Steam Locomotives as having been imported from Java to Australia in 1987, and subsequently exported to the USA for private preservation. Further information is welcome.
NGG16 129 (Photo required) - 2-6-2+2-6-2 Beyer Peacock 7430 of 1951 Dismantled Puffing Billy Railway, Belgrave, Victoria Ex-South African Railways. Beyer-Garratt; imported in 1996. Currently dismantled in preparation for rebuilding to 2' 6" gauge for operation on the Puffing Billy Railway.

Total: 95 

Norton's Steamrail Victoria Page features photos of many of these preserved locomotives.